Soyal Winter Solstice Kachina These brightly colored figures are known as kachina Dolls and were created by the Native American Tribes of the Southwest, mainly the Hopi, Zuni and Pueblo tribes. This Mythology Craft is for the Winter Solstice celebration of the Hopi’s, known as Soyal. We will focus on the Hopi tradition because they […]

Native American: Ring and Pin Game Craft Rules of ring and Pin As you can see in the photo above, the ring and stick game is pretty simple. This was a game commonly played by children and women. The object is move the stick so that ring is tossed into the air. Then the player […]

Although ancient peoples did not have phones or electronics like us, they still wanted to be entertained and wanted to play quick and easy games. In the past we have explored games played in ancient Rome– like Rota, the Roman version of Tic-Tac-Toe. Now, we will take a look at Native American games played by […]

The heavens and underworld that the Cahokians and other Native American tribes in the area believed in were less related to death rituals, like the underworld of the Greek and Roman cultures. These are not heaven and hell in a Christian sense. Instead, we might think of them as more like realms related to where […]